SUVA - StreamUrVirtualAvatar
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Be your virtual self for your viewers on Twitch/Youtube/etc. with SteamVR/Tobii Eyetracking.
- Designed to be used in combination with for example OBS - Designed to be compatible with most humanoid avatars created for VRChat (same creation workflow) - Made with Unity 2019.4.29f1 (since SUVA 1.5.9) - 10 Emoteslots for custom Animations - Numpad keys 0-9 for triggering of Emotes from anywhere (requires administrator rights!) - LipSync with optional spatialized realtime playback - Tracking of the Eyes if Tobii Tracker available (fake Eye movement otherwise) - Tracking of only the Head and the Eyes if used without SteamVR + hardware but with a Tobii Tracker - Avatar can be fully calibrated inside the Application - Settings get saved as avatar profiles in a Json file
- SUVA is mostly for streaming/content creation - Requires SteamVR + compatible tracking hardware AND/OR a Tobii Eye Tracker (e.g. Tobii Eye Tracker 4C or Tobii Tracker 5)!!! - Having both is highly recommended as it gives the best tracking of the body in combination with Eye tracking. - Minor Unity experience required to create/export your avatar Note: The avatar shown in the pictures is not included! A white version without Animations is though to get started! Also please watch the Youtube Tutorials and have a look at the Wiki pages.
Update information
SUVA 2.0.0 Unless I lose my job or win in a lottery there will be no further development towards release 2.0. By the time it would be ready for release it would be hopelessly outdated and everything would have been a waste of precious lifetime. Update: SUVA 1.5.9 (September 10, 2021) - updated to Unity 2019 - tweaked avatar loading/saving - added quality selection menu to performance menu - tweaked quality presets - re-introduced 8x AA in Ultra preset - disabled VSync in all presets Update: SUVA 1.5.8 - fixed issues with Tobii Tracker 5 - replaced framerate limiter for better performance - added autofilling of visemes to the avatar descriptor Update: SUVA 1.5.7 - improved avatar loading reliability by no longer relying on avatar names - display error messages on loading failure - fixed microphone selection not working on systems with only one recording device - added option to select no microphone - changed that the cursor is no longer locked to the window by default (can still be cycled with 'alt+c') Update: SUVA 1.5.6 - updated to Unity 2018.4.20f1 - enabled microphone selection (Bug in Unity 2017 is gone now) - removed network features (some networking features got removed in Unity 2018) Update: SUVA 1.5.5 - added workaround for mic/audio synchronisation issues - added more audio related options - Voice Gain - Microphone Buffering - Mic/Lip Resync Interval - DSP Buffer Size - improved default audio/lipsync latency - improved error handling for avatars/visemes - fixed avatars using the same shapekey for multiple visemes having no facial movement - updated Unity package for avatar creation (no reexport of avatars required, except if avatar was having viseme issues) - added automatic uninstallation of previous versions to the Setup file Update: SUVA 1.5.4 - added laughter viseme support - added support for avatars with no eye bones - added support for empty visemes - updated Unity package for avatar creation (IMPORTANT: avatars need to be reexported for SUVA to be fully functional!!!) Before installing the new version please uninstall the previous version. Install and create your avatar the same as previously shown in the Tutorials. Release Version: SUVA 1.5.3
Tutorials: Wiki: Discord: Twitter: